

How’s your handwriting?

Word of the Day: abrogation

This word has appeared in six articles on in the past year. Can you ...

Film Club: ‘Meet the World’s Most Honorable Bank Robbers’

In Lebanon the economic collapse is forcing citizens to use extreme measures to ...

What’s Going On in This Graph? | April 5, 2023

What’s going on with the price of eggs?

Theme Parties

Have you ever attended a memorable party with a theme?

Word of the Day: receptacle

This word has appeared in 17 articles on in the past year. Can you u...

Teenagers on What Their Families’ Native Languages Mean...

“I’m not that embarrassed,” one student said of his accent, “because it’s a flex...

Our 6th Annual Student Podcast Contest

We invite students to create an original podcast of five minutes or less that in...

‘Keep TikTok’

What do you think this image is communicating?

Word of the Day: bleat

Word of the Day: bleat

This word has appeared in eight articles on in the past year. Can yo...

10 Top Tips To Improve Your Spoken English

10 Top Tips To Improve Your Spoken English

It is really important to improve one’s spoken English. Here are some tips to he...